Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Valentine Mantle

I do not normally decorate too much for Valentine's Day and I almost never change my mantle for anything other than Christmas but I am hosting Bunco here next month so I decided to see what I could do.  My goal was cheap cheap cheap! Oh, and cute.  It is pretty simple but I like it and I achieved the cheap goal!

Here is the close up.  I got the heart ornaments after Christmas at Target, $1 for four, the vintage postcards were a free printable from here, the mason jars were inspired by pinterest and I had all the stuff for those, and I modge podged fabric to card board and cut out the letters for "LOVE". Pretty easy and cheap.  Oh yeah, I already had the wreath, wrapped in some fabric and stuck on a angel holding a heart Christmas ornament. I think it is kind of fun and I might be inspired to change up the mantle a little more often.

linking up here

oh and p.s. I am obviously not a very good "stager" because you can see the little yellow lego I hid behind the owl ornament to keep it upright.  Oops!
p.p.s trying to talk my hubby into letting me paint the fire place white.  I so do not like the red brick.          

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I don't want to forget...

*sweet Sophie Jean's toothless grin, oh how I love it.  She is drooling a lot and chomping on her fingers constantly so I think teeth are coming soon.
*how Olivia says that something is "licious" instead of "delicious" and how she lights up when she sees her Daddy.  He is her favorite!  She says so all the time.  As a woman who did not have a Daddy, that is music to my ears.
*Ellie's ten year old self.  She is so innocent, still much more so than her peers.  I love it.  She loves to pretend and play and she is not afraid to just be herself.
*the way Emma says "bether" instead of "better" and her hugs, oh my goodness how that girl can hug. Makes my day.

I truly love my kids and time is passing by so quickly.  I never want to forget the way they are today or any day really, but I do, the changes just come so fast!