Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Randomness

John got home from work this morning  and went to church with us.  So awesome! 

Sophie made it quite a while in the church service today, I think I heard half of the sermon before I had to leave with her little loud self.

It's a rainy Sunday and I love it.  I cleaned up a bit after church and then snuck myself some hot chocolate, now I am sneaking in a little computer time.

We are going to a birthday party in a little mountain community (little, referring to both the mountains and  community) and there might be snow.  Fun!

Sophie has a three hour stretch of sleep each night now and I feel like a new woman.  She was waking up about every 45 minutes. 

So excited for Christmas this year.  I have almost forgotten Thanksgiving which is not like me because I LOVE Thanksgiving.