Monday, June 11, 2012


- I heard the baby's heartbeat, 153, nurse practitioner says it sounds like a girl. Yeah, we know, that's all we make and that is ok.  Ultrasound is scheduled for four weeks from now and we will find out for sure.

- I lost it with my kids today, big time.  Oh Lord, I am so glad I have you for this parenting journey, it is hard and I need your grace. 

- John gave me a few hours away this morning when he got home after my appt and it was good.  I needed it.

- I have been online looking at Aviano Air Base in Italy, they are hiring civilian firefighters and John thinks we should go.  It sure is beautiful there, I wonder if I could convince my mom to go.

- I have nursed Sophie about every 45 minutes, she thinks she needs to nurse every time I sit down.  She thinks I need to hold her every minute of the day.  She will play happily if she cant see me but if I am in her view then she screams until I pick her up.

- The littles did not nap. 

- I have Bunco. Yay.