Here is our week in cell phone pictures!
The girls and I have a girl's night once a week while John is at work, right now it is Sunday nights. We watch Extreme Home Make Over and do a craft or paint our toenails or both. This week we just painted our nails. John happened to be home on leave so being the fabulous Daddy that he is, he joined in with us and let the girls paint his nails.
Little Miss Livvie has been walking around nursing her baby a lot this week. So cute!
We got to celebrate the birthday of one of our best family friends, Miss Isabel. She turned seven and we had a great time eating yummy Mexican food.
Homeschooling is a little crazy around here these days. With the two little ones we have to be pretty flexible with our plans. Sophie does not sleep much so I am pretty tired most days and unfortunately my patience reflects that at times. Olivia is in full two year old craziness so she can make things a little more challenging. I taught her to use the computer this week to give here something to look forward to while I work with the girls. I can not believe how quickly she picked it up. We have been playing on PBS Kids mostly. She loved it.
Today we went to this huge resale thingy called Little Feet Repeats. It was no fun for the girls but they were fabulous. Well, Livvie was a little crazy but the big girls were very helpful. It was boring for them and involved a bit of waiting around. I did get a few good deals though. I treated them to Chick-fil-a to thank them for being so patient.