John got home from work this morning and went to church with us. So awesome!
Sophie made it quite a while in the church service today, I think I heard half of the sermon before I had to leave with her little loud self.
It's a rainy Sunday and I love it. I cleaned up a bit after church and then snuck myself some hot chocolate, now I am sneaking in a little computer time.
We are going to a birthday party in a little mountain community (little, referring to both the mountains and community) and there might be snow. Fun!
Sophie has a three hour stretch of sleep each night now and I feel like a new woman. She was waking up about every 45 minutes.
So excited for Christmas this year. I have almost forgotten Thanksgiving which is not like me because I LOVE Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
I am linking up with Life Rearranged's InstaFriday where you post pictures of your cell phone pics from the week. I love looking at every ones pictures so I thought I would join in this week!
Here is our week in cell phone pictures!
Here is our week in cell phone pictures!
The girls and I have a girl's night once a week while John is at work, right now it is Sunday nights. We watch Extreme Home Make Over and do a craft or paint our toenails or both. This week we just painted our nails. John happened to be home on leave so being the fabulous Daddy that he is, he joined in with us and let the girls paint his nails.
Little Miss Livvie has been walking around nursing her baby a lot this week. So cute!
We got to celebrate the birthday of one of our best family friends, Miss Isabel. She turned seven and we had a great time eating yummy Mexican food.
Homeschooling is a little crazy around here these days. With the two little ones we have to be pretty flexible with our plans. Sophie does not sleep much so I am pretty tired most days and unfortunately my patience reflects that at times. Olivia is in full two year old craziness so she can make things a little more challenging. I taught her to use the computer this week to give here something to look forward to while I work with the girls. I can not believe how quickly she picked it up. We have been playing on PBS Kids mostly. She loved it.
Today we went to this huge resale thingy called Little Feet Repeats. It was no fun for the girls but they were fabulous. Well, Livvie was a little crazy but the big girls were very helpful. It was boring for them and involved a bit of waiting around. I did get a few good deals though. I treated them to Chick-fil-a to thank them for being so patient.

Thursday, October 13, 2011
I'm Back
Wow, I have been away from the blog for a long time. I don't even know where to start so I will start with the most exciting happening in our life in the last several months. We added a new member to our family!
Miss Sophia Jean arrived July 27, 2011, weighing in at 9lbs 12 ounces of sweet baby girl goodness. (Excuse the graininess of the pictures as in true fourth baby fashion I took my camera to the hospital with a dead battery so we took pictures with my IPhone) Oh my was she hard to get out, she had huge shoulders! She was my shortest labor but hardest delivery if that makes any sense at all. She is an amazing little baby and such a perfect piece of the crazy puzzle that is our family. I am so in love with her as I am with all my girlies.
Adjusting to life with four kiddos has been going pretty well, I am insanely tired as Sophie is not the greatest sleeper ever. Olivia is in full two year old mode so she wears me out too. Ellie and Emma are fabulous helpers so I am thankful for them. The hardest part is getting school done. I tell John I am going to put the big girls in school about every other day. Olivia is crazy during school time and the baby needs holding and it is chaos at times but I was reminded by a friend yesterday that this is just a season and it too shall pass.
Speaking of chaos, Miss Olivia is up from nap and by nap I mean the hour that I make her play quietly in her room every day because she refuses to sleep even though she is sooooo very tired and cranky. And by play quietly I mean she sings at the top of her lungs and constantly tells me that it is time to get up.
So I am off to deal with her and hopefully I will be back to the blog much sooner this time!
Miss Sophia Jean arrived July 27, 2011, weighing in at 9lbs 12 ounces of sweet baby girl goodness. (Excuse the graininess of the pictures as in true fourth baby fashion I took my camera to the hospital with a dead battery so we took pictures with my IPhone) Oh my was she hard to get out, she had huge shoulders! She was my shortest labor but hardest delivery if that makes any sense at all. She is an amazing little baby and such a perfect piece of the crazy puzzle that is our family. I am so in love with her as I am with all my girlies.
Adjusting to life with four kiddos has been going pretty well, I am insanely tired as Sophie is not the greatest sleeper ever. Olivia is in full two year old mode so she wears me out too. Ellie and Emma are fabulous helpers so I am thankful for them. The hardest part is getting school done. I tell John I am going to put the big girls in school about every other day. Olivia is crazy during school time and the baby needs holding and it is chaos at times but I was reminded by a friend yesterday that this is just a season and it too shall pass.
Speaking of chaos, Miss Olivia is up from nap and by nap I mean the hour that I make her play quietly in her room every day because she refuses to sleep even though she is sooooo very tired and cranky. And by play quietly I mean she sings at the top of her lungs and constantly tells me that it is time to get up.
So I am off to deal with her and hopefully I will be back to the blog much sooner this time!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
A Family First
We had a family first this last Sunday. Ellie left for her first church camp experience. She was so excited she could hardly contain it. I was excited for her as I remember very fondly my own camp experiences growing up. I was as nervous as I was excited though, I have never been away from Ellie for more than two nights. I miss her soooo much but I know that this experience is going to be a special one for her. I am praying that she grows closer to her Lord as she is there and has an amazing time with her friends.
The camp that she is at posts pictures on Facebook twice a day and I have gotten to see several pictures of her, she looks like she is having a blast! I can't wait to hear about it when I pick her up tomorrow morning!
The camp that she is at posts pictures on Facebook twice a day and I have gotten to see several pictures of her, she looks like she is having a blast! I can't wait to hear about it when I pick her up tomorrow morning!
Ellie and one of her bff's. Very excited about picking their bunks. I love the sleeping bag Ellie chose, camouflage. It really is perfect for her.
Daddy entertaining the Sisters while I got Ellie settled in her cabin.
Our family, Emma is trying to make Livvie smile, sadly this is one of the best pictures of our family.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
It's Garden Time
A couple weeks ago we got to work on our garden beds, by we, I mean John! He does all the hard work of readying the garden and planting it, I handle the maintenance and harvesting. He is so good to me. The girls do help him us both so it is a family garden. We do not have the prettiest garden but we have had some good luck with what we grow. Last year my zucchini got taken over by bugs so I did not get as much as I would have liked, hopefully we will not have that happen this year.
This year we are growing, zucchini, yellow squash, tomatoes,red and yellow bell peppers, onions, jalapenos and a few other peppers that I do not remember the name of. We also plan to get plant some green beans in our smallest bed. We need to do that soon, as I write this I realize I forgot about those. We grow those from seed along with cantaloupe from seed but everything else we buy small plants. Next year, I would really like to grow more from seed. For some reason that really makes me nervous so I have not tried it yet. We have never grown cantaloupe but my neighbor always does and his are fabulous so I am so hoping that it works out for us.
Here is John working away on the garden making a small new bed just for the cantaloupe.
Behind our garage is where we have our garden, we also have some large piles of dirt there where Livvie loves to jump. My kids are always dirty, thanks in part to these dirt piles. They make great place to play, the girls will be sad when they are gone which will hopefully be soon!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Welcome to our family blog. With the changes of a new baby girl on the way I decided to start a new blog. It is just a little scrapbook for our family to remember these days that are going by oh so fast. I will write about our every days, our home schooling adventures and about our home. I am by no means a great writer but I hope that I can create something here that will be fun for myself and my family to look back on and enjoy our memories.
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